What is BKU?


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B-K University is more than just a factory tour. It is the lighting industry’s most innovative and exciting educational program with the purpose of educating the lighting profession in design, construction and application of B-K Lighting + TEKA Illumination architectural and landscape lighting products.

This unique educational experience brings lighting industry professionals into the daily routine of the lighting manufacturer through the lens of a Nite Star™ luminaire. Participants actually manufacture a lighting fixture from its inception through the design, testing processes, machining, powder coating, assembly, shipping, and ultimately upon completion of the course, its use.

Since its inception in 2002, more than 1,400 lighting professionals including lighting designers, architects, landscape architects, contractors, electrical engineers, interior designers, sales representatives and specifiers have graduated from this one-of-a-kind program and earned the "BKU Alumnus" title.

B-K University has been a continuing education accredited program since 2012 by various professional lighting industry agencies, organizations and memberships. It is a highly impactful program because of its intensive, high-quality curricula, exciting courses and first-class accommodations. Due to the high demand BKU is an invitation-only event.

For more information, please visit: B-K University Website.